This week we were assigned to begin research on editorial columns. The project entailed us finding interesting editorial columns, upon which we were to begin brainstorming illustrations to explain these columns. After further research, I have found a couple that interested me throughout different editorial sources.
The Chicago Tribune,0,1206223.story
Los Angeles Times,0,40358.story
Californians are fighting to "Raise the Minimum Wage," due to the fact that the minimum wage is completely insufficient for a single adult, let alone a single parent, to survive and support for themselves or there family in anyway. The proposed minimum wage which would help low income people out of these situations is $10 per hour.
The Washington Times
Recently, at the Missouri rodeo, a rodeo clown came into the ring and put on a mask with the face of President Barrack Obama in order to see the crowds reaction. He went on to ask the crowd if they wanted to see him run down by the bull or not. There was a mixture of various reactions, whatever the case however, this small action resulted in headline news.